2020 Building Project
During the 2018-2019 school year, the board hired architects Lancer + Beebe to conduct a Feasibility Study. Representatives from Lancer + Beebe met with staff, teachers, administrators, board members, and parents to determine various facility needs. In addition, engineers walked the buildings and reviewed drawings and documentation to determine the age and condition of the mechanical systems and roofs.At the June 13, 2019, board meeting, Lancer + Beebe presented the preliminary results of the Feasibility Study. The full study is linked below.
At the July 11, 2019, board meeting, Lancer + Beebe presented more detailed information regarding the various recommendations. The recommendations were divided into four (4) categories - Top Priorities, Recommended Items (as budget allows), Future Building Project, and Removed Items. The board considered the recommendations and will continue to define the scope and cost of the project at a special meeting on Thursday, July 18th at 6:00 PM in the East Central High School Library.
Also at the July 11, 2019 board meeting, George K. Baum & Company, investment bankers, presented financial information on how to fund the project. The financial analysis shows the board will be able to complete the project with NO INCREASE in the Debt Service property tax rate. Both July 11, 2019 presentations are posted below.
A public presentation was held on Monday, August 5, 2019, in the East Central High School Performing Arts Center. The presentation provided more information regarding the scope and cost of the project and the impact on the property tax rate. The presentation was be repeated on Tuesday, August 6, 2019, at 6:00 PM, and again on Tuesday, August 6, 2019, at 7:00 PM.
The board conducted the first and second Preliminary Determination Hearings on August 8, 2019, and August 15, 2019. The Augst 15th Hearing began the waiting period for any resident to file a petition to request a referendum for the project. On September 19, 2019, the board was informed by the Dearborn County Clerk of Courts and the Ripley County Clerk of Courts that no petition was filed, thus giving the approval to move forward with the project.
Please check this website for updates throughout the process.
September 24, 2020 - Project Update
Dr. Jackson Presentation
Board Meeting Video
August 27, 2020 - Project Update
Lancer + Beebe Presentation
Total Cost Estimate Spreadsheet
February 13, 2020 - Project Update from Lancer + Beebe
Lancer + Beebe Presentation - Large File (20MB)
Latest Natatorium Rendings - August 27, 2020

New Natatorium 3D Renderings - February 13, 2020

August 15, 2019 - Project Hearing and Second Preliminary Determination Hearing
Educational Need
Overview of Project
Financial Impact of Project
Project Resolution
Preliminary Determination Resolution
Reimbursement Resolution
August 8, 2019 - First Preliminary Determination Hearing
Educational Need
Overview of Project
Financial Impact of Project
August 5-6 - Public Presentation
Public Presentation
July 18, 2019 - Board Meeting
Financing Options and Property Tax Impact
July 11, 2019 - Board Meeting
Feasibility Study - Cost Estimates - (At the July 18, 2019 Board meeting, the Board determined to move forward with all Top Priority and Recommended Items.)
Financing Options and Property Tax Impact
June 13, 2019 - Board Meeting
pdf Feasibility Study - Preliminary Recommendations - Large File (10MB)
Other Links and Documents
July Episode of the SuperChat Podcast
Eagle 99.3 Radio Interview
10 Facts About the Sunman-Dearborn Community School Building Project
Notice of Hearings
Notice of Adoption of Preliminary Determination
Construction Manager as Constructor Request for Proposal (RFP)