• Accessibility Form

Web Accessibility Complaint Form

The complaint or grievance will be investigated by Sunman-Dearborn Community Schools, and/or another party designated by the school district.

The procedures to be followed are:

  • An investigation of the complaint shall be completed in a timely manner.
  • The investigator shall prepare a written report of the findings and conclusions.
  • The investigator shall contact the Complainant upon conclusion of the investigation to discuss the findings and conclusions and actions to be taken as a result of the investigation.

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    • Admin. Office

      Sunman-Dearborn Community Schools
      1 Trojan Place, Suite B
      St. Leon, IN 47012

      Tel: 812-623-2291
      Fax: 812-623-3341
      Dr. Andrew Jackson, Superintendent

      High School

      East Central High School
      1 Trojan Place, Suite A
      St. Leon, IN 47012

      Tel: 812-576-4811
      Fax: 812-576-2047
      Tom Black, Principal

      Middle School

      East Central Middle School
      8356 Schuman Road
      St. Leon, IN 47012

      Tel: 812-576-3500
      Fax: 812-576-3506
      Chad Swinney, Principal

    • Elementary Schools

      Bright Elementary
      22593 Stateline Road
      Lawrenceburg, IN 47025

      Tel: 812-637-4600
      Fax: 812-637-4606
      Michael Collier, Principal

      North Dearborn Elementary
      27650 Sawmill Road
      West Harrison, IN 47060

      Tel: 812-576-1900
      Fax: 812-576-1901
      Jeff Bond, Principal

      Sunman Elementary
      925 North Meridian St.
      Sunman, IN  47041

      Tel: 812-623-2235
      Toll Free:  888-645-5717
      Fax:  812-623-4330
      Cindy Stonehill, Principal
  • Location